How can we help traders optimize their ad exchange quickly?
Traders buy digital ad inventory by bidding on that inventory through ad exchanges. Ad exchanges are digital marketplaces that connect sellers of ad inventory with buyers (traders). Sharethrough operates one of these ad exchanges.
Problem: Sharethrough has been using a spreadsheet to do workshops with buyers, which requires a lot of manual work.
Solution: Build a tool that provides the same data and insights as the workshop that buyers can use on their own.
Automating [the spreadsheet] has proven challenging, and we haven’t seen buyers using it after going through the workshops, even though the workshops themselves have received great feedback and engagement.
- Carl, Product Manager
My Role
How I worked on this project in 2021.
Understand scope and current solution
I met with the PM to go over what they currently use and an idea for the new tool.
Figuring out the flow
With a couple rounds of sketches, I ideated on what the automated tools' screens should look like and discussed these with the PM.
UI iterations and prototypes
Results and learnings
What happened after the designs were completed.